
The capital of New Zealand – a real walking city because of its compact nature sited on a picturesque harbour surrounded by hills. 

It has been Internationally named as the “Coolest little capital in the world”, the “Most liveable city in the world” and the “home of middle earth”.

Wellington has an interesting depth of culture to enjoy peeling back the layers to get to know and love the city - whether it be fashion, food, art, film, education, music, places to explore etc.  Local names run with the “café capital” because of the almost unlimited gastronomic exploration you can enjoy with more cafes and eating places per capita than New York, and on a bad day “windy wellington” – just as impressive but for the wrong reasons. There is a saying that after two years here  – you will never want to live anywhere else.

Many of the large IT firms are based in wellington, with the city having a good portion of government, service and financial services installations.

Overall Wellington has a temperate climate with opportunities to live inner city and actually enjoy the vibrant city life, in the suburbs, on the coast, in the hills or forest or if you are working in Wellington – and want a better climate (higher sunshine hours, lower wind, higher temperatures) , outdoors living, a more relaxed lifestyle and cheaper housing then consider living in Kapiti – home to some 50,000 people based in smaller towns and one of the strongest growing areas in the Wellington region. 


Kapiti is bounded on one side by 40km of generally calm and deserted beaches, on the other by the Tararua Mountain range which rises upto 5500 feet and goes back 20km,  The unique geography gives Kapiti its enviable climate that can be 12 degrees hotter than Wellington – only 40km away.  It lets you grow sub-tropical fruit and flowers and the climate established Kapiti as a retirement area over 60 years ago.  With the influx of younger families new schools are being added to the 17 primary and high schools that are already here.

Kapiti is becoming more accessible than ever with 2 billion dollars being spent on infrastructure  - the airport has reopened for commercial flights, trains electrified and leave every 15 mins morning and evening for Wellington (55 minutes journey), and the new motorway will bring travel time from 55 mins to Wellington down to 35 mins. 


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